Know Your Coach

Meet Neetu V Bansal

I love the process of getting to know a business. The organization, the people, the processes, the systems, the policies, the markets, the products/ services, the customers, the competitors ... everything that makes a business tick. 

I love working with business owners, sharing their passion and vision for their organization. I love helping them fructify their grand vision, by rolling up my sleeves and getting into the game.

I admire the grit of a business owner and relate to the challenges they face to succeed and thrive in an increasingly competitive and complex world.

I have been a business owner since I was 17 years old and with perfect 20/20 hindsight wished that I had someone to mentor/ coach me across different phases of my profession.

Today as a Business Coach and Mentor , I support Business owners across Startups, Early Stage and Growth Phases by being their sound board and their confidante. I educate, challenge, support, nudge, inspire, question the assumptions business owners and leadership teams have about the business. The end result - The steering teams have clarity on the what, why, how, when, where and who of their revenue/ profit growth strategies and tactics.

My Coaching and Mentoring Philosophy

Custom Tailored

Charting your growth and success trajectories with your own unique mix of variable coordinates.

Results Oriented

Focusing on tangible results for your businesses by setting clear goals, creating actionable plans and tracking progress.

Strategy Driven

Developing critical thinking skills to define the direction and velocity of business growth by making informed decisions.

Action Based Approach

Deriving actionable strategies by emphasizing on problem-solving and making real changes in your businesses.

Collaborations and Alliances